Monday, 30 May 2016


Believing in yourself... Success or failure depends on mindset. No one makes you feel inferior without your consent. Apply wisdom in all you do. Having a passion for what you do makes you excel. Visualize your dream.When there is no dream, there is no future. Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it..


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Relationship is crucial to survival. Humility is very important for relationships to last. People around you are important for your survival. No man is an Island. Nurture and develop new relationship and keep old friends. A real friend walks in when others are walking out..


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Pride and arrogance brings you down. Don't let these be the reason you don't find the entrance to the door of success.. Humility is the sign of greatness and arrogance is the sign of weakness.


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 You loose focus when you envy and imitate. It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation...


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The greatest obstacle to success is fear...Never give up because of the fear of failure....Have you thought of this F.A.I.L=First Attempt In Learning.
Take responsibility of your life and destiny.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

AMAZING!!! Celebrities Who Fell In Love On Set...

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

 Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie fell in love on the set of their action film MR. and MRS. Smith

'Empire'..Co-stars Andre Lyon and Anika Calhoun...

seems Lucious' ex-fiance, Boo Boo Kitty is dating his oldest son, Andre Lyon for real!

Vanessa Hudgens & Zac Efron


 The leads of the movie HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL.... These two Disney stars met on the set of the movie High School Musical in 2006 and dated until 2010...

Leann Rimes & Eddie Cibrian


These two met on the set of the movies 'Northern Light'... even when they are still married to other people..... real drama


Sophia Bush & Chad Michael Murray


  The stars from the movie 'One three Hill...Brooke and Lucas met on set in 2003. They got married in 2005 and divorced the same year after allegations that Murray cheated on Bush.

Ian Somerhalder & Nina Dobrev


 Do you remember Damon and Elena from Vampire's Dairy??? They met on the set of 'The Vampire's Diary in 2010 and started dating....although they have separated but remain friends....

Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson


 Stewart and Pattinson met while playing the ultimate fantasy couple, Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, on the set of the 2009 film Twilight. They dated for years but broke up for good in 2014...

Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth 

  The “Wrecking Ball” singer   and 'The Hunger Game star met on the set of the movie The Last Song in 2010.. They were engaged to get married but that didn't work out because they called off the weeding in 2013.....

Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield


   Emma Stone And Andrew Garfield

Peter of The Amazing Spider Man?? Emma and Andrew met on the set of The Amazing Spider Man and they make one of the cutest celebrity couples.

Dev Patel & Freida Pinto

They met on the set of the movie Slumdog Millionaire.. They started dating after meeting on set in 2009..

Thursday, 26 May 2016


When the ancient Chinese decided to live in peace, they made the great wall of China. They thought no one could climb it due to its height. During the first 100 years of its existence, the Chinese were invaded thrice. And every time, the hordes of enemy infantry had no need of penetrating or climbing over the wall... because each time, they bribed the guards and came through the doors.
The Chinese built the wall but forgot the character-building of the wall-guards. Thus, the building of human character comes BEFORE building of anything else..
That's what our Students need today.
Like one Orientalist said:
If you want to destroy the civilization of a nation there are 3 ways:
1. Destroy family structure.
2. Destroy education.
3. Lower their role models and references.
1. In order to destroy the family: undermine the role of the Mother, so that she feels ashamed of being a housewife.
2. To destroy education: you should give no importance to the Teacher, and lower his place in society so that the students despise him.
3. To lower the role models: you should undermine the honest and high character, doubt them until no one listens to them or follows them. The corrupt will automatically become the role models.
For when a conscious mother disappears, a dedicated teacher disappears and there's a downfall of role models, WHO will teach the youngsters VALUES?
Have a thought!
Is our home also invaded?
Yes or No...

Wednesday, 25 May 2016


GENETIC DEFECTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Each human being carries normal as well as some defective genes. Usually, the individual does not become aware of the presence of a defective gene until a disease associated with the gene is manifested in him or her or in a relative. More than 4,000 medical disorders caused by defective genes have been identified, each with varying degrees of seriousness. About 10 percent of the human population will evidence, sooner or later, some type of disorder. Although genes are responsible for predisposition to disease, the environment, diet, and lifestyle can affect the onset of the illness.

An example of a genetic disease is cystic fibrosis, which frequently becomes evident in the first years of life for the child carrying the defective gene. The mutant gene causes the development of cysts and fibrous tissue in the patient’s pancreas and the production of thick and viscous lung mucous. The mucous makes breathing very difficult and, in many cases, is fatal. On average, in Western countries, about 1 child in 2,500 has the disease. If the child receives two defective recessive alleles of the gene named CF (one from each parent), he or she will develop the disease. Patients with cystic fibrosis can reduce the symptoms of the disease with drugs developed through genetic engineering. A cure for cystic fibrosis may come through gene therapy. One possibility is a genetically engineered virus, carrying the corrective gene, which after being introduced into the patient’s lung cells would allow the lungs to function properly. The introduced gene would allow the lung cells to produce a protein that eliminates the mucus. Most people do not manifest genetic diseases because, most of the time, they are carriers of just a single defective copy of the CF gene. As most of the defective genes are recessive, meaning two copies are needed for expression of the disease, most people do not have the disease. This is the reason for the larger incidence of genetic diseases in children from related parents. If the defective gene, however, is dominant, the disease is expressed in any people that carry the defective gene. Huntington’s Disease, a disorder of the nervous system that usually occurs after the age of 45, is an example of a genetic disease caused by a dominant gene. Having a defective gene does not make disease development a certainty. Besides the large effect from genetics, the environment is also important to the onset of many illnesses. Diseases such as heart disease do have a genetic component, but are largely dependent on diet and lifestyle. Some genetic diseases also have benefits.

A classic example of a genetic disease that has a beneficial effect on human survival is sickle cell anemia. There exists in the human population a defective β-hemoglobin gene and individuals carrying two copies of the defective gene develop sickle cell anemia, a blood problem caused by defective hemoglobin and consequently misshapen red blood cells. The genetic mutation in the defective allele of this disease is a single nucleotide change, from an A in normal genes to a T in the mutant. This single nucleotide mutation results in a mutant β-hemoglobin that possesses the amino acid valine instead of glutamine. The mutant β-hemoglobin has less affinity to oxygen, becoming a poor oxygen transporter in the blood. However, carriers of a single copy of the defective allele do not have the disease, and they are also resistant to malaria. There is an obvious advantage of carrying a single allele of the defective hemoglobin gene, especially in regions where malaria is endemic, as in tropical regions of Africa. The first case of gene therapy occurred in 1990, at the NIH in Bethesda, Maryland. On that occasion, a four-year-old patient with a severe immune system deficiency (adenosine deaminase enzyme [ADA] deficiency or bubble-boy disease) received an infusion of white blood cells that had been genetically modified to contain the gene that was absent in his genome. Since then, gene therapy has been studied and experimentally tested for several medical conditions. Diseases caused by the absence of an enzyme or the presence of an inactive enzyme are potential targets for gene therapy. Cystic fibrosis, ADA deficiency, and many other genetic diseases are among the candidates for gene therapy.

TWITTER HANDLE: 08037834016




I once conceived the idea that solving a problem leads to innovations
and that we can easily become innovative by thinking and solving
problems. But was that all?

Observation has shown that it takes more than that to be
innovative. It depends on some environmental, economic, cultural,
intellectual and social blend to fully analyze one's innovative

1. ENVIRONMENTAL: Youths are easily influenced by the "In thing". But
if critical thinking and brainstorming is not the in thing, then there
is a little possibility of youths actually doing critical thinking
which is a corner stone of innovations. Unfortunately the media does
not promote stuffs that inspire people to think rather they promote
only music stars, movie stars, sports stars, and so on. People don't know
scientific stars else you are labeled poindexter. I grew up having
African Zain Challenge as my favorite program, this program spurred up
fast and critical thinking among I and my friends but now the only
things they show on T.V are MTV, TRACE, etc and the youths are
following. No wonder almost every youth now goes into  music, movie or
fashion. Nobody has time for critical thinking and innovations because
it is not the in thing.

2. ECONOMIC: It is a factor that brings innovation. Like during the
Nigerian civil, Igbos made their own refineries at their backyard to
distill petroleum. But today Nigeria can't boast of a refinery. The
answer is simple, we saw no need to be innovative anymore because we were
in a comfort zone. People become innovative when taken out of their
comfort zone and when their is a need for something. But we should not
necessarily wait for an event that would kick us out of our comfort
zone rather we should imagine a scenario that would kick us out of our
comfort zone and be innovative towards it. Necessity does not have to
be the mother of all inventions.

3. CULTURAL: This is another factor that can affect innovation. How?
People can be spurred by their cultural heritage to do something that
can preserve their cultural heritage. It does not necessarily has to
be a scientific discovery, it could  be a system of leadership, a
method of family management, and so on. When Lugard came to southern Nigeria
in the 19th century, he adopted the innovative ideas of the
southerners way of leadership. Due to the fact that the area was
  densely populated with tress, they adopted an indirect rule of
leadership. One would notice the genius beyond this plan. Similar to
what the Chinese did to preserve their language and heritage. Also
one's culture can help people to be innovative in medicine. With the
use of traditional medicine.

4. INTELLECTUAL: This is one of the most important things for one to
be innovative. One's level of exposure, and experience can drive
innovations. You would agree that some of the best innovators were
very intelligent people. This did not come by luck but by constant
study of those before them. If you don't study your predecessors work,
then you can't be very productive. Increase your brain power by constant
study, and critical thinking. Think outside the box, imagine the
impossible, be obsessed with your idea. Remember that genius are not born
but made.

5. SOCIAL: The folks you move around with have a great influence on
you.Steve Jobs once said "Always surround yourself with intelligent
people". Have you noticed that in high school, people with similar
vision form a clique. What clique do you fall under? To be innovative
surround yourself with thinkers and genius. Socialize with the right
people and learn from them. Birds of a feather flock together.

You don't have to be a science enthusiast like me to be innovative, all
you need is to apply the conditions listed above and be sound in your
field. Who knows you might be our next Einstein.

Saturday, 21 May 2016


Inline image 1

Every kettle, be it of big or small size, will have a tiny nozzle through/from which the content [say water] of the kettle is discharged. Though the opening for putting water into a kettle is bigger and wider, users still discharge [hot] water patiently and meticulous through the nozzle though tiny. Why? Because they know evidently that discharging the hot water through the wider opening is risky and may cause serious injury; remember it’s not a crime or sin to discharge the liquid content of a kettle through the wider top opening. Discharging the water through the nozzle of a kettle may only take few minutes when done with patience and carefulness though it may take extra few seconds than when it's done through the wide opening at its top.

That is how life is; the opening through which we put in our efforts in our good endeavors is wider than the opening through which we receive the favors [or outcomes] of our manifold good labors. Have you wondered and pondered why the gain gotten from selling goods with the cost of 10,000 is not up to half of the cost price? Achieving success through good means require patience and carefulness; though it may take time, but it must surely come to fruition if you bide your time, and if you are doing the right things. It is not that you cannot discharge water through the top wider opening of the kettle; but it’s rare and risky [especially if the content is hot water]; that is what fraudsters, thieves, launderers, embezzlers, drug traffickers, and perpetrators of other vices do: receiving more than they ought to; that is why such activities are deemed risky though lucrative.

Now, kettles are mainly designed for boiling of water [that is, its general use]. No matter the degree of pauperism one may be in, I don’t think there is a sane and sage person who uses kettle to cook rice or to prepare stew/soup. That is the problem we have in life, many people misuse their life kettles in the forms of misused potentials, talents, and destinies. It’s obvious that some people [though some among them are oblivious of the fact behind their actions] use their life kettles in preparing soups. I have been writing from 2010, but I began to publish my works [on blogs and websites] from 2014, still have many more written bywords and articles to publish; it’s all about patience and other virtues.

The General Problem [GP] we have in life is that we don’t think more than we’ve seen, heard, or read; take GOD and HEAVEN away from the BIG PICTURE of Christianity, and you would behold many people behaving iniquitously. Let’s stop deceiving ourselves, God sees through the minds of humans. Yes, it’s good to be good on the altar of God and making heaven, but we should be good even if there were to be no God. Use your potentials wisely and for the right purposes. I am not saying there is no need to do good because of God and making Heaven; but please, be good because you have made up your mind to be good. May the good Lord bless you as you make handy use of your flairs.

Author=> ASIEGBU, N.E. [NDJP]




I was always an old soul
This is my chi coming back from
One of my pasts to haunt me.
I've always wondered why I don't
Like, fit into this generation. :(
I am homely inside.
I like baking cookies and cakes, and sharing food
And thoughts with
Family and friends.
Introvert that I am, I hate meeting new people
And then get excited when I get to know 'em
But then keep them at a distance.
I only let few people, scratch that.
I actually have lots of close friends,
But sometimes they disappoint.
I prefer the quiet, calm, country setting by the
Lake or fish pond to the
Loud hustle and bustle
Of city life.
But that's how I've always been.
I prefer Mozart, Beethoven, and Vivaldi
To hip hop and metal.
And that was me at four. FOUR!!
I was once a good girl. Always striving to please my
Parents, family, and God...
And I still do...well, kind of.
I don't really think God would be too pleased with me
Right about now. I mean, I try not to
Don't steal (at all)
I try to walk in His ways...
But like my Daddy always says, my hormones are raging!!
I am still an old soul when it comes to sex.
Everybody's crazy over a three-letter word.
Like if you don't do it, baby, you ain't done shitttt!!
I laugh in Swahili.
I watch from a distance how their lives go.
Unhappy sons of bitches.
I wish they could open their eyes.
They seem so miserable.
Never care to understand
The undressing of the body is inversely proportional to
The undressing of the soul.
Sex was once an act of love,
Once cherished and sacred and holy,
Mandated by the Him Above
To be shared by the one you love
And have fully committed to,
To spend your life with
To enjoy,
To undress your body and your soul
And give yourselves the gift of love.
But not today, nope.
Its cheaper than air
Preferred over sacrificial love
Even in church.
Don't get me wrong.
I like sex.
No...I looove sex.
But I will wait.
That was my plan since I began to understand
And to see.
If he loves me, he will wait.
We should all stop rushing
And just wait
Wait on God, wait on perfection
And wait on the gifts that add no sorrow
But can I? Can I really?
God gave me a revelation two Septembers ago
(Or was it August?...October??)
Of what would transpire in the coming months
Waves of Temptation
And it came to pass
But I guess I overcame
But it wasn't the end.
Just the mere beginning.
Now every moment I remember faces, I feel my hormones
Raging like those waves
He wants to try me...with sex?????????
Bring it on, God!
I just pray for Grace, 'cause this time around
Its getting crucial 'round here.
I swear down.
But some say it's not prohibited by Him,
That it's OK.
Well, let's all run our races
And see where we land
Because it might be OK in your book
But it's not OK in mine.
And that's OK.
I'm a Cancer...guess that's why I love too hard...
...And too damn much, lol.
Or maybe its just my old soul.
This old soul of mine will be my demise
And my salvation.



1) The Will of God keeps pushing me forward, the indefatigable zeal in me keeps me moving, the real spirit of being great keeps my heels on the right path without been still; not just because I love to keep moving, but also, I am loving what I'm doing. NDJP

2) Despite how careful I try to be, I'm still not able to keep (not just) some of other people's policies, but some of my own policies as well. NDJP

3) I know God blessed me with a phenomenally outstanding wisdom; to be sincere, at times I teem with humongous awe [of and for God] remembering the degree of wisdom I have received from God; and I do pray thus: "Oh God, may my wisdom never derail me from the path of Your Kingdom, may I never use my wisdom to put others in boredom, and may I never use my wisdom to deprive others the freedom to seek, to believe, and to receive the Gifts from Your Kingdom, Amen!" NDJP

4) The reason why some people keep on crawling ain't because they got injured after falling so hard, but because they have refused to muster up, then stand up, and continue on their voyage to the top: they allow their psyches to become too weak to let them be able to break all obstacles and still make it to the peak of their destined miracles. NDJP

5) He who does not need to miss an appointment should wear his time on his mind. NDJP




Friday, 20 May 2016


The Irony of Love
It's funny how ironic life is
Though when experienced, one doesn't tend to laugh.
I have experienced this, and it does nothing to provoke
Even the least bit of humor in me.
And as usual, I experience it with love
Thanks to my wavering emotions.
If life is so ironic, and love is life
Then love is also ironic
And annoying
What we call a Necessary Evil
Too evil to be fathomed
And too irresistible to be left unturned
But why is love so contradictory?
So full of heartache and pain?
There is nothing worse than being in love
And not being loved in return.
Love does not have to be mutual to be love
And that alone is sickening, yet inevitable.
When I gave in to him was when he held back,
And when I stopped loving him is when he started craving me.
Love is an infinite mirror
Like a kaleidoscope of images, a million possibilities
A million contradictions
I hate love
It's as useless as a sack of burnt grass
Yet it is the very substance that binds our fragile beings
When they were getting to know each other
He made her feel like diamonds
Always there for her, always ready to
Take the world apart for her.
But when she finally wore her heart on her sleeve in response
To his flattery
He withdrew himself
And left her stunned and confused.
Why is love so contradictory?
It is a matter of time before she unloves him
And does away with him from her mind.
And a matter of time before he bounces back with
Understated expectation and longing
Only to be slapped in the face with regret.
You never know what you have until it's gone
And never returns.
Love is stupid, contradictory, and blind
And as important as life itself.
God is Love, and only He is perfect.
We are far from it, and I guess that's why
Why our love is so imperfect and flawed
Painful and wrong
Wrong, yet so right.



Of No Nation
I think it's high time
I get the hell outta Nigeria
I don't really see anything working out
For me here.
I finally agree with my sixteen-year old self,
That Nigeria is fruitless
That most Nigerians deep down
All have the same mentality
This annoying African mentality
And that I can never be with
A Nigerian
I know the first thing
That angrily comes out of their mouths when I rant on
Like this:
But aren't you Nigerian?
Well, technically, yes
By birth
But by reasoning, by education, by will
And to a good percentage, by blood
I can never be
I wasn't bred a Nigerian, and had Nigeria been
A better place
I would not have minded being associated
With it.
But no.
Patriotism elsewhere may be categorized as
An act of valor
But patriotism in such a deplorable country
May as well be counted as an act of treason
The only shred of respect I have for Nigeria
Lies not in the midst of so-called patriots
Or their robotic comrades
Who agree in unison to make life miserable for their
Civilian counterparts
Patriotism does not exist in Nigeria
Those who preach it still cower and flee
Adopting foreign ways not known by their fathers
My last respects lie with the multitude
Of people,
Thinkers who do not cowardly proclaim change
But act on it
O God of creation,
Listen to this petition of a noble cause.
Love and honesty are fugitives
Victims of war, fleeing for their lives
Away from Nigeria
What an irony that it is sung and upheld
With unrepentant hypocrisy
Not just from the high and noble
But even by the laymen and low
Freedom, peace, and unity
Are but illusions promised
The evidence is neither seen
Nor felt
We should be proud to have been born into
A state
But instead, we boldly flay the African hide
From our backs
And transform into beasts of no nation.
Why should I be proud
Of a pseudo-country?
It looks like a country
Certainly has government like a country
But is lawless and base
Unjust and dishonest
Disguised as a state,
Yet flawed in every sector.
Why should I be expected
To proudly be called
A citizen of Nigeria
When it seems the country
Is not even proud of me?


“E GO BETTER”.......

Growing up in an average Nigerian home, in the metropolitan city of Lagos, I was in constant contact with people who found repose in the words “E GO BETTER”. When encountered with a problem, the average Nigerian solace lies in those words. But is it really getting better?
I don’t really understand the implication when papa said that the fuel price has risen and foodstuffs are more expensive, until jam disappeared from the table and was replaced by butter. Soon butter was a scarce commodity and bread was rationed. But Mama’s combat to this was “E GO BETTER”. But it never really got better. Actually, it got worse to the point that yam was even measured with a  ruler to economize it.
The average Nigerian would understand my story better because many of them faced similar situations in their respective homes. Did our words change it? No!!! Our today don’t need people who make noise about how bad and corrupt our leaders are. We don’t need people who want the best education for their children and still pay for special centers during examinations. We need people that will revolutionize Nigeria not by guns or swords but with books and patriotism.
Saying “E GO BETTER” does not change our reality, rather when I hear it nowadays, it sounds like acceptance of defeat. If every Nigerian could be effective in his or her place of duty, then why would the engine (Nigeria) slow down??? Wake up Nigerians, word without action is useless. Until we act, it might never be better.
But if we unite and work hard, irrespective of the corrupt government… “E GO BETTER”

Monday, 16 May 2016


Most times life is not all about equality but equity. Getting something not just because others were given the same thing but because you need it......

Sunday, 15 May 2016


 "You will realize how bad you are by the time you've seen those who are truly good. I don't regret much remembering the bad life styles of my past --- at least I've learnt and known the right ways!"

There is a part of each person's psyche that is fashioned to help
him/her to decipher what/who is good or bad. In any activity you engage yourself in, when you meet/behold who is better than you are (in that same activity), you need no one to let you know, because there is a congenital gadget in you with the responsibility of doing so.

The reason why people's abilities and performances are not the same is because each person has his/her own limitations. Though all of us are born to be GREAT [that we believe, and are looking up to], yet our lives are not controlled by the same FATE [if something like it does exist].

You can meet up with someone else's standard simply by overcoming some of your own limitations through efforts, and not necessarily by increasing his own limitations. Someone who has 45 limitations [able to overcome 30, remaining 15] may [not] be at equal standard with someone else who has 40 limitations [able to overcome 30, remaining 10].

Someone may need to overcome 10 challenges in order to attain a better position, while another person may need to overcome only 5 challenges in order be in a better position: efforts and destinies play some vital roles in determining our levels at any point in time.

Don't just be jealous or envious of those who are better than you are, let them be the challenges that will trigger you to work harder and better. If we have equal abilities and capabilities apiece, there would be nothing like uniqueness. Our differing capabilities create room for distinctions in our values.




Twitter Handle=> @Noninhodejp

Facebook Link=>


Face of Regret

How would you look into the face of Regret?
With wide eyes anticipating a change?
Or shame-faced, accepting whatever comes
Your way?
I never used to believe in Regret.
I thought Regret was for the weak and cowardly
If you know you'd regret it, why do it then?
That is my motto.
I thought everyone was to have my steel-will
And bone-hard stubbornness.
But not every story is the same.
Some are written with a fancy fountain pen.
And some with the ink of a million tears
Today, I am faced with Regret.
I don't, however, look at it shamefacedly.
Accepting whatever comes my way.
But with Courage.
And Hope of a better Tomorrow.
I think I've found the cure for Regret:
A dash of Courage, a sprinkle of Hope
And the audacity to crave a better Tomorrow.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016


For you to link to your future, then you have to link what you think by so doing, the act of thinking propel you to move and your moves lead to your result..

Your outer world is merely a reflection of your inner world. You are the root and your results are the fruits. Until you start seeing success as a learn-able skill you cannot learn to succeed in anything.....

                                    ALWAYS BE POSITIVE

Monday, 9 May 2016

THE CHAIN REACTION.......................

One of my favourite poet and motivational speaker Suli Breaks once said "If you do not build your dreams,someone would hire you to help build theirs". But unfortunately some people do not even have a dream. This might sound controversilal but let me explain.

When the europeans came to Africa to seek cheap labour (slaves), they captured so many slaves who ended up in plantations and work from dawn till dusk nwith no hope of freedom, Drawn into despair, some committed suicide and others worked silently and hoped for death to take them away. We can see how despair made this individuals loose thie dream. But they were some slaves who did not lose hope and still had the dream alive. The dream of freedom and being prosperous e,g the first African writer Equino Olaudah, the Catholic saint and icon Josephine Bakhita and so on. How does that relate to our lives today???

Due to the high rate of unemployment, many young Nigerians have given into despair and lost hope of being above average. But irrespective of our fears and anger, some young Nigerians would still emerge as success stories. Why can't it be you?
You may have nice excuses like "we don't have good books, chairs, accommodations in schools e.t.c, but the truth is that when you go to apply for a job, nobody cares if you had the best books or the best accommodation, all they care about is CAN YOU DO THE JOB? If you want to be a success story, there should be no excuse for not doing something.
People who have emerged successful in the past were those went against the currents of the society because moving with the current means that you will be like everyone else. Everyone else does not read any book in year, spends all he has before his next salary, complains when faced with the slightest difficulty. Why aspire to be like everyone else by moving with the current of despair like the slaves???
Micheal Faraday did not go to school but today proffessors bstudy his works...
I never had a computer before i learnt proggramming....
Albert Einstein principal in high school thought that Albert was hopeless and foolish. Even when Albert came to visit him years later when he was a renowned proffessor, the ignorant principal thought that Albert came to beg for money.

If you actually want to be a success story, you will see many obstacle as a lifting stone because there would be no reason to give up when you can view the bigger picture
Break the chain reaction of despair and unlike the slaves, stand up to your evil master (sloth) and say!!!!!                                                             
                                                         YES I CAN DO IT