Friday, 20 May 2016


The Irony of Love
It's funny how ironic life is
Though when experienced, one doesn't tend to laugh.
I have experienced this, and it does nothing to provoke
Even the least bit of humor in me.
And as usual, I experience it with love
Thanks to my wavering emotions.
If life is so ironic, and love is life
Then love is also ironic
And annoying
What we call a Necessary Evil
Too evil to be fathomed
And too irresistible to be left unturned
But why is love so contradictory?
So full of heartache and pain?
There is nothing worse than being in love
And not being loved in return.
Love does not have to be mutual to be love
And that alone is sickening, yet inevitable.
When I gave in to him was when he held back,
And when I stopped loving him is when he started craving me.
Love is an infinite mirror
Like a kaleidoscope of images, a million possibilities
A million contradictions
I hate love
It's as useless as a sack of burnt grass
Yet it is the very substance that binds our fragile beings
When they were getting to know each other
He made her feel like diamonds
Always there for her, always ready to
Take the world apart for her.
But when she finally wore her heart on her sleeve in response
To his flattery
He withdrew himself
And left her stunned and confused.
Why is love so contradictory?
It is a matter of time before she unloves him
And does away with him from her mind.
And a matter of time before he bounces back with
Understated expectation and longing
Only to be slapped in the face with regret.
You never know what you have until it's gone
And never returns.
Love is stupid, contradictory, and blind
And as important as life itself.
God is Love, and only He is perfect.
We are far from it, and I guess that's why
Why our love is so imperfect and flawed
Painful and wrong
Wrong, yet so right.


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