Monday, 8 August 2016


Infinity is something without bounds that goes on forever. But in
mathematics, infinity can be defined as any real number larger  9.9 ×1099.
So how do we grasp the concept of infinity? Stand between 2 mirrors
and you would see your image go on an infinity number of times (it never
The concept of infinity was first conceived by the Greeks to explain
limitlessness. Also the Hindus used it for their creation story when they
said there are limitless number of creators thus they don't know the
first one.
There is something funny about infinity: some
infinity are greater than others! How many real numbers are between 0 and
1? The answer is infinity. How? We have 0.1, 0.01,0.001,
0.0001,.....0.2, 0.21, 0.22,... If you count all the real numbers
between, they are greater than  9.9 ×1099. Now how many real numbers
are between 0 and 2 ? It's also infinity but surely it is greater than
the first infinity.
This has been exploited in cosmology. If we are to measure the
radius of the universe in femto meters (1015), we might be
approaching a value close to infinity but if measured in light years
(9.64 ×1015 ) we would get a value far from infinity. So to avoid
saying infinity femto meters (which is not an actual value) we say
100,000,000 light years which is finite.


Infinity has been used to formulate several paradoxes; for example:

1. Hilbert's paradox of the Grand Hotel.

“So,” this asks, “is it possible to fill a ‘Grand
Hotel’ which has an infinite number of
rooms, with an infinite number of guests?”
Well, I for one do not know. Let's say you can.
What then happens when a new guest
There are an infinite number of rooms,                                                                                        so obviously, the guest will find a room.
But if he finds a room, then the hotel was
never filled in the first place, although it is said that
there are an infinite number of guests, so
why can't they fill it?

2. The Library of Babel.
In this library exists every name ever given
or will ever be given, every sentence ever
said or that will ever be said. The library
works by generating an infinite combination
of the 26 letters of the English language and
the characters "." , '','' and space. It can be found here
and has about 105000 characters. Compare
that to the number of atoms in the universe

3. Zeno's paradox
Ahh, this old one. This simply states that if we
have two points, A and B, and you wanted to
go from A to B, you would have to first pass
half of that distance. But, damn, in order to get
to that half, you need to get to HALF of the
first half . . . and so on and so forth. that at
the end, you shouldn't even be moving.

There are other fascinating concepts of infinity like the value of pi.
-Valentine O.
Gfaze Team

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