Monday, 24 October 2016


Image result for death quotes
I write today of loss,
Of the pains that accompanies it
Such a harrowing experience to encounter
Different loss for different folks
Loss of health, property, liberty
And the most painful of all dare I say
The loss of loved one                                  
Loved ones are thrust into our very  existence
They create a niche, a space, a corner
They impact, shape and redefine our being
They make us anew
We never remain the same
Once their beam of existence hits us
They teach us to like, hate, cherish, covet
But above all, they teach us to love
You do not understand this feeling
But it creeps up on you
It starts slowly and gains ground
With the fist time your eye saw
 The smiling face of your Mother
To that cute little tot lying on the cot
To that smiling face across the aisle
You don’t know why you love
You don’t care why
You just love them because they are
And that’s the greatest feeling
Slowly but steadily
Your daily actions and activities
Revolve around these individuals
Brotherly brawls, sister’s gossips
Above all, you still call them family
And sometimes friends
You are bonded by blood
And sometimes by choice
You never envision for once
A life without them
You drink, make merry and fight
With these pieces of you that you can’t do without
Like comet, they transverse the skies of our life
Brightening and beautifying
Encouraging and enlightening
Breathtaking beauty
A little and just a hospital visit
Part of our existence you merely remark
Goodbye you say as they board a bus to travel
Nothing to worry about you tell yourself
Then a single call that leaves you grasping for straws
The comet has landed
A single call
That leaves a huge crater
Like a typhoon that drags you into an abyss
An abyss of uncertainty and despair
Then the silence sets in and a vacuum is created
A huge void is created
You lose bearing, you lose focus
Slowly, you fall through the precipice
Into the crater of
Tears, tears, questions, questions
Then the stark reality hits you
That smile, that sneer, that laugh, that smirk
You will never see these again
There is no God you declare
If there is, what’s the life of a baby
What an unjust being we ask
Questions, more questions
Like a candle in the wind
A little puff has plunged us into a deafening silence
A delicate part of you has been forcefully amputated
Your are left reeling with pains that you can’t put words to
Slowly, you begin to come to terms with the reality of your loss
You swear never to give someone, anyone
That power, that hold over you again
Above all, you swear never to let go, never to love again
Then the next baby appears, a new friendship
And with a smile and a coo
Similar likes and dislikes
Your inhibitions fall away
You take a cautious and tentative step
As the walls break down
And little by little, step by step
You learn to care once again
Again and again, those feelings return
And to make up for the last time
You give your all
Then another call
Tears, more tears
No more questions…

©Nwokedi Joseph George

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