Hey, what's up? Some of you may be wondering where exactly I was going with this poem. It was actually written in response to the killings and chaos going on in the world and the overwhelming feeling of hopelessness succeeding it. Sometimes it gets to us here at Gfaze and mandates us to speak out, not in favor of any particular people but for the benefit of everyone, because everyone is involved; nobody's left out.
It is so sad to know that even in this day and age we still are far from where we should be. We still have those who display inhuman acts of violence towards their fellow people without any form of conscious whatsoever. Everyone should be entitled to his/her own opinion and lifestyle which should not infringe upon another's. The theme of this poem is Live and Let Live.
Yesterday I was in a taxi with my uncle. We were both returning from our respective jobs. Next to me were two elderly men I didn't know were Muslims until 7 o'clock hit and they rejoiced, telling the driver that their fasts were over for the day. That's when it occurred to me that they were actually Muslim and celebrating Ramadan. They quickly dove into their bags for apples and dates and offered to everyone in the car. There were so many smiles and warm greetings exchanged that I actually felt an inner peace. Here was an ideal setting, where Christians and Muslims, though cramped together in one vehicle, took each other as brothers and sister, not sworn enemies to be annihilated. This event was what made me write this post. I hope you can see the poem now with the same light I used to write it.
-Rose O. (AKA Ro), a proud member of the Gfaze Team.
Click here to read the poem "Labels"
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