Tuesday, 21 June 2016



iving a life of greatness is not a mysterious something.We are meant to draw useful lessons from even the minutest things in our lives and in the lives of others.                          

                  ''My friend and I were raised to
                    believe that we could do or become anything.
                     That the only limits to our aspirations came 
                      from within. We were thought not to listen to those 
                      who said to us "NO YOU CAN'T"
                                                                Condoleeza Rice

                        "I'm stirred when someone says, "You can't do it"
                         I find the statement "You can't offensive to the human spirit.
                        We can be anything.
                       Maybe this experience is a series of lessons to learn that you can. 
                       Yes, You Can"
                                                                              Maya Angelou 

Yes you can is a call for action. We are in the generation when most people have lost track of the right path due to the absence of good role models. The generation in which people are scared of greatness. Africans especially Nigerians easily ascribe anything beyond the ken of their understanding to magical powers. How can you understand when you do not believe that you can.
This is a strong call for a new beginning.

Life's purpose: The foundation of Excellence
Everything in this life is created for a purpose. Take time and carefully look around you. What do you see? Order perfect beauty. God must be a great lover of beauty and order. Just imagine what will happen when there is no air to breath? Each acts in accordance to the divine will. The sun animates life, the air and water sustain life, while the earth support and regenerate it. With all these that silently take place, we still run around in search of miracles. Lack of sheer ingratitude Albert Einstein once said that, God does not play a dice. I believe everything on earth has a purpose for it.
If the Natural elements were made for a purpose, what of man? Has man any purpose at all in this life? 
These is the question that I have been asking myself. But I have discovered that the purpose of man is to search for and worship his maker and equally make life process easy for his fellow man. To make things easier, God blessed man with mind, time and space and put every other creation of his under man. Come to think of it, the natural elements and the animals all serve the purpose of helping man achieve his life of greatness.
For every man to be great in life,He must first of all, discover the purpose for which he was created. Rick Warren in his book ‘The purpose Driven life’, wrote the following as the benefits of a purpose-driven life.
  •       Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life.
  •      Knowing your purpose simplifies your life.
  • .      Knowing your purpose focuses your life.
  •      Knowing your purpose prepares you for eternity.

Extra ordinary success requires the use of extra ordinary energy. Look at the life's of people like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Abraham Lincoln, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Martin Luther King Jnr, and many more. Do you not marvel at the high level of energy they seemed to possess? Which have lead them to extra ordinary success. Leadership of whatever kind is an energy sapping activity and one of the worst things that can happen to a man is to run out of energy in the midst of challenge.
By discovering and worshiping God here does not mean religious fanatic. The world is actually leading to destruction, if we keep placing the doctrines of the different religious sect at the forefront of man’s existence. I mean living a sound spiritual life which is easily seen in everything you do.
The second part to the purpose of every man in life is to make life process easy for his fellow man. Jackie Robinson said ‘’A life isn’t significant except for it’s impact in other lives’’. You need other people to fulfill your purpose, achieve your dreams, enjoy the fruits of the dreams and give back to the society. If you desire to be an exceptional achievers, then you must learn how to develop exceptional people’s skills. When you are living your purpose, you do so with ease. Energy and ideas flow free, and your contributions must be felt by all around you. Your true passion should feel like breathing. Although discovering one’s purpose in life might not be easy. There will be so many distractions, you will even feel like imitating others but remember, only the inventor knows the purpose of his invention. So God is the starting point of in our journey to discovering our purpose on earth. You were born by is purpose and for his purpose. You can only be on the road to a great life when the inner purpose (search for God) is in line with the outer purpose (relation with other people).
It is from this unity of purpose that people like Leonardo Da Vinci, Helen Keller, Stevie Wonder, Albert Einstein, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Cobhams Asuquo,  Malcolm X  emerged. 

If you want the world to celebrate you, your major task is to discover your purpose on earth.

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