I once conceived the idea that solving a problem leads to innovations
and that we can easily become innovative by thinking and solving
problems. But was that all?
Observation has shown that it takes more than that to be
innovative. It depends on some environmental, economic, cultural,
intellectual and social blend to fully analyze one's innovative
1. ENVIRONMENTAL: Youths are easily influenced by the
"In thing". But
if critical thinking and brainstorming is not the in thing, then there
is a little possibility of youths actually doing critical thinking
which is a corner stone of innovations. Unfortunately the media does
not promote stuffs that inspire people to think rather they promote
only music stars, movie stars, sports stars, and so on. People don't know
scientific stars else you are labeled poindexter. I grew up having
African Zain Challenge as my favorite program, this program spurred up
fast and critical thinking among I and my friends but now the only
things they show on T.V are MTV, TRACE, etc and the youths are
following. No wonder almost every youth now goes into music, movie or
fashion. Nobody has time for critical thinking and innovations because
it is not the
in thing.
2. ECONOMIC: It is a factor that brings innovation. Like during the
Nigerian civil, Igbos made their own refineries at their backyard to
distill petroleum. But today Nigeria can't boast of a refinery. The
answer is simple, we saw no need to be innovative anymore because we were
in a comfort zone. People become innovative when taken out of their
comfort zone and when their is a need for something. But we should not
necessarily wait for an event that would kick us out of our comfort
zone rather we should imagine a scenario that would kick us out of our
comfort zone and be innovative towards it. Necessity does not have to
be the mother of all inventions.
3. CULTURAL: This is another factor that can affect innovation. How?
People can be spurred by their cultural heritage to do something that
can preserve their cultural heritage. It does not necessarily has to
be a scientific discovery, it could be a system of leadership, a
method of family management, and so on. When Lugard came to southern Nigeria
in the 19th century, he adopted the innovative ideas of the
southerners way of leadership. Due to the fact that the area was
densely populated with tress, they adopted an indirect rule of
leadership. One would notice the genius beyond this plan. Similar to
what the Chinese did to preserve their language and heritage. Also
one's culture can help people to be innovative in medicine. With the
use of traditional medicine.
4. INTELLECTUAL: This is one of the most important things for one to
be innovative. One's level of exposure, and experience can drive
innovations. You would agree that some of the best innovators were
very intelligent people. This did not come by luck but by constant
study of those before them. If you don't study your predecessors work,
then you can't be very productive. Increase your brain power by constant
study, and critical thinking. Think outside the box, imagine the
impossible, be obsessed with your idea. Remember that genius are not born
but made.
5. SOCIAL: The folks you move around with have a great influence on
you.Steve Jobs once said "
Always surround yourself with intelligent
people". Have you noticed that in high school, people with similar
vision form a clique. What clique do you fall under? To be innovative
surround yourself with thinkers and genius. Socialize with the right
people and learn from them. Birds of a feather flock together.
You don't have to be a science enthusiast like me to be innovative, all
you need is to apply the conditions listed above and be sound in your
field. Who knows you might be our next Einstein.