How would you look into the face of Regret?
With wide eyes anticipating a change?
Or shame-faced, accepting whatever comes
Your way?
I never used to believe in Regret.
I thought Regret was for the weak and cowardly
If you know you'd regret it, why do it then?
That is my motto.
I thought everyone was to have my steel-will
And bone-hard stubbornness.
But not every story is the same.
Some are written with a fancy fountain pen.
And some with the ink of a million tears
Today, I am faced with Regret.
I don't, however, look at it shamefacedly.
Accepting whatever comes my way.
But with Courage.
And Hope of a better Tomorrow.
I think I've found the cure for Regret:
A dash of Courage, a sprinkle of Hope
And the audacity to crave a better Tomorrow.

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