‘’I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of
man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor’’ Henry David Thoreau.
When self-development experts tells us that ‘’Your destiny
lie in your hands’’ do you believe them?
Do we try to think why they make such strong and deep
statement? For a greater part of the existence of man on earth, it appeared
that man acted based only on impulse and instincts.
Success in any field of life was therefore attribute to
anything but the person initiating the successful moves. The role of man in his
success was not put into consideration. Not until it was discovered that a
person’s frame of mind goes a long way in shaping his destiny that the world
started experiencing development by the conscious atonement of mind towards success.
Of all the things that can make a person successful, none can
take a place of this two; his thought pattern or attitude and his quality of
In “Awaken the giant within you” by Anthony Robbins, He wrote ‘’More than anything else, I believe it’s
our decisions not the conditions of our lives that determine our destiny’’ He
called decision- The pathway to power.
It's worthy to note that success belongs to the action takers
and action is only possible after a decision that is powered by a strong desire,
has been made.
Decisions that lead to actions are only based on strong
desires. ‘’When the heart is right, the feet are swift’’. Lets take a look at
the story of Late Mohandas karamachand Gandhi.
When Mahatma Gandhi decided to free his
people from the British colonialists, nobody gave him a chance. Why would they?
India was then a loose union of several principalities. How on earth could that
queer man rally the kind of support and unity from the people and the kings who
even saw his efforts as an invasion of their territories.
Instead of supporting him, they preferred to live under the British role. The world did not give Gandhi a chance because she underestimated
the power of decision. In the end, Gandhi succeeded in changing the story of India and that of the entire world forever.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, the essayist said, ‘’Once you make
a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen’’ this natural conspiracy
does not however distinguish between a decision for the good and the one for
the vile. That is why a man that decides to steal to be rich may succeed the
same way as the man who decided to work hard to be rich does.
I think it
is very pertinent to mention here that this very world we live in is built on a
series of opportunity cost, which means that whenever you say yes to something
you automatically say no to another. A student who says no to his studies is
invariably saying yes to academic failure.
Much as every one would like to avoid pain at all cost and
embrace pleasure, decision making, especially the life transforming one, is not
a rosy affair.
The bitter truth of
why somebody was in the mess in the first place must be totally explored and
accepted before an uplifting decision could be made. It is a blunt statement of
fact that most unsuccessful people are easily given to rash decisions which
they equally jettison at the earliest sign of failure.
The achievers on the other hand take their time to get a hold
on the situation before making their decisions. That is why they tend to move
very fast after deciding on what to do. This does not mean that some split
second decisions could not be made. Everyone is in charge of his destiny
because this power of decision which Napoleon Hill call ‘’The mastery of
procrastination’’ is within the reach of all. I think that this statement must
be sounded loud and clear into the mind of every Africans especially Nigerians
who seems to be living in the Dark Ages when the Europeans so much believe in
the power of the ‘’Invisible being’’ in the affairs of men. You will recall
that very little success was recorded in that era by the world.
This belief system has paved the way for all manner of
demagogues both in the political and religious arenas to feast on the people’s
gullibility and mess up their lives, rendering a greater percent of the people who
should be contributing positively to our country country’s progress with their
decisions mentally and spiritually redundant in the process.
Just rid yourself of the dark veil of ignorance and commit
yourself to succeeding even against all odds. Some years back, the blind Goethe said, ‘’concerning all act of initiative truth,creation: there is one
elementary truth, the ignorance of which destroys countless plans and splendid
deeds. That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too’’. There is no demon controlling your life but your
ignorance. Make the decisions this second to be successful whether you are
ready or not.
Benjamin Disraeli said, "Nothing can resist the human Will that will stake even it’s existence on it’s stated purpose’’.