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Wednesday, 15 June 2016


A friend once told me that ideas rule the world. But I don't see
mobile Ideas ruling the world, I see people ruling the world but these
people are not without ideas and that's why they rule the world.

Where do ideas come from? Do they come from our brain only? or is it
in corporation with society, historical findings or nature? Actually
ideas come when several factors combine e.g wants, knowledge, nature,
history, society and a genius mind. Ideas come out from us like
precipitation. How effective is a single idea?

Let us imagine a scenario a boy named Kay once watched Nat Geo wild
and observe how flexible the Cheetah joints were which enabled it run
faster and wondered if we can make cars with such flexible joints, it
might be faster. So he told Harry his idea, and Harry who was very
influential on social media posted it on Facebook. Coincidentally, an
engineer from U.S.A. who had technology knowledge on how to build a
car stumbled on the information and tried to apply it in cars but
instead of  making cars run faster, it caused less wear and tear,
and consumed little petrol. Now in this scenario we can see how this young
man's idea has gone far and changed an area of technology even though
his initial plan was not what happened but his idea helped it. If
Newton had not conceived the idea of gravity, Einstein may never have
solved the problem of general relativity and we might never had gone
to space. Most ideas are just another step further in a pre-existing

Ideas unite us, make us live in unity. People who work in a particular
firm and have a common idea on how to solve a problem and achieve a
goal. So their common idea would unite them (at least until the final
product is achieved). But the power of idea goes beyond ruling the
world, it unites the world, organize the world and create the world.
Start generating ideas because you don't know who you might help, create
or unite.

A mind stretched by an idea never return to it's original state.

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